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KH2FM-LV1 Hades Paradox Cup Round 49-Leon, Cloud, Tifa, Yuffie with Deadly Restrictions
KH2FM - Lv1 Hades Paradox Cup Rounds 49-50 No Damage
KH2FM - Hades Paradox Cup Rounds 48-49 ND (LV1 CM, Part 2)
KH2FM - Hades Paradox Cup Round 49 No Damage
KH2FM Lv1 No Damage Hades Paradox Cup Round 49
KH2FM-LV1 Hades Paradox Cup Round 48-Cerberus No Damage with Restrictions
Round 49 against Cloud Leon Yuffie and Tifa in 20 sec
Kingdom Hearts II Hades Paradox Cup Round 49
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix vs Cloud Yuffie Tifa Squall (Leon)
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix Hades Paradox - Cup Round 49
KH2 Sora vs Leon/Cloud/Tifa/Yuffie (Standard)
kingdom hearts 2 hades paradox cup round 49